CBT California Blog
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Understanding the “D” in DBT
Research from 2020 suggests that human beings experience approximately 6,000 thoughts a day (Tseng & Poppenk). With so much going on between our ears, might it be helpful to have a framework for examining our thoughts, and in turn, our lives? The...

Especially Helpful Communication Tips for the Holiday Season
Communication is important. Especially during the holidays when you may attend events, spend time with your in-laws, or visit your hometown. Many assume that others may understand what they mean without much clarification or that they have the same assumptions,...

Taking Care of Yourself this Holiday Season
The holiday season can bring up a lot of emotions for everyone. While the holidays might be associated with warmth and joy, it can also be a time that brings up feelings of stress and loneliness. Some ways in which we can help to manage our emotional experience as the...

What exactly is CBT?
Perhaps you are seeking a therapist. Your medical doctor, friend, sister, Google search, or TikTok scrolling recommended Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT. CBT is an evidence-based treatment for a wide range of problems people experience, including depression,...

Dr. Lynn McFarr co-authors a new book on Socratic questioning
Dr. Lynn McFarr book

What Is Suppressed Will Be Expressed
suppressing emotions